How to Prepare for Eclipse Season - The Game Changers of Astrology

How to Prepare for Eclipse Season - The Game Changers of Astrology

Eclipse season brings unexpected changes. These changes can be abrupt and difficult to prepare for. However, there are ways you can prepare for the changes from an eclipse by learning about the current astro-weather surrounding the eclipse. 
Are eclipses a bad thing?
Generally speaking, eclipses are considered "malefic" in astrology because the energy of a "benefic" planet (sun/moon) is being blocked out. 
Solar eclipses are when the moon's energy is blocking the sun. Solar eclipses happen on new moons, bringing the energy of new beginnings. 
Lunar eclipses are when the sun's energy is blocking the moon. Lunar eclipses happen on full moons, bringing the energy of endings. 
What happens during eclipse season?
Eclipses happen during spring and autumn, which already have the energy of change. We start the new year afresh in spring and prepare to end the year in autumn. Both spring and autumn have solar and lunar eclipses, bringing sudden endings and beginnings to various areas of our lives. 
Eclipses also reveal things that are hidden. The earth's shadow covers the moon in a lunar eclipse, and the new moon covers the sun in a solar eclipse. Hidden information from previous eclipses can be brought to light. 
Overall, eclipses can bring energies that flip the script. Eclipses can be game changers. 
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How to predict change with eclipses
Each eclipse occurs on an axis of parallel zodiac signs. The sun and moon will both be in a particular zodiac sign.
If it's a solar eclipse and a new moon, the sun and moon will be in the same zodiac sign. 
If it's a lunar eclipse and a full moon, the sun and moon will be in opposite zodiac signs. For instance, if the sun is in Aries, the full moon will be in Libra. 
Remember, eclipses block the energy of the sun or moon. So consider which planetary energy is being blocked out, and what sign that planet is in. The moon phase and other planetary aspects will also hold information. 
For instance, the solar eclipse on 4/19/2023 is a new moon. So the energy of the sun in Aries is being blocked out. The new moon is also in the sign of Aries. New moons bring new beginnings and are typically used for planting seeds of manifestation. The new moon is also conjunct Jupiter, which brings BIG energy. Jupiter amplifies energy, for better or worse. 
solar eclipse 4/19/2023
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All together, these energies will be fiery and passionate thanks to Aries, fast-moving thanks to the amplification of fire energy, and in the realm of new beginnings given the new moon. But every new beginning comes from an ending as well. This is where the energy of shaking up comes into play. 
The energy of ending will be highlighted with the lunar eclipse coming up shortly after on 5/14/2023. 
Sometimes looming change can bring up fear or dread. Sometimes it can bring feelings of excitement. Ultimately, change is what we make it. Even "malefic" events in astrology can turn out to be blessings in diguise...
Wishing you all many blessings during eclipse season! 
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